Leadership Courses

Important Actions of a Leader

LEAD! is all about action. The word “lead” is an action verb! This course will detail specific actions you should be taking to become a better leader for your people. LEAD! is, of course, an action-oriented course. It is full of practical situations, tips, and advice on how to be more action-oriented in your leadership style. [1-101]

The Agile Leader:
Leading in Time of Great Change

Agile leaders deal in ambiguity and constant change, and they create the right environment for self-organization. In this course, you will learn how to create a context for your teams to take ownership, to collaborate together, to learn from each other, to get and give continuous feedback, and to focus on shared goals. [1-301]

Strategic Leadership:

Strategic leadership is about creating a shared vision, creating strategies, and inspiring the team to achieve the vision. A strategic leader acts as the motivating force for an organization, letting individuals know their role in achieving the vision. This leadership style helps others have direction at all times.. [1-302]

a Resilient Team

Today’s work environments are demanding, complex, constantly changing, and fast-paced. Resilient teams have the capacity to rapidly adapt to errors, failures, slow progress, and sometimes insurmountable challenges. In this course, you will learn to increase your capability and your team’s capacity for stress-related growth. [1-202]

The Art of Building Influence

Leadership, according to leadership expert John Maxwell, is all about influence! Influence is cultivated, it is built-up over time, and is intentional. In this program, we will examine the four pillars of influence (1-trust, 2-vision, 3-character, and 4-communication) and we will provide you with the tools by which you should build your influence. [1-102]

Becoming a
Highly-Trusted Leader

Becoming a highly-trusted leader does not occur overnight. Trust requires time, intentionality, effort, persistence, and strength of character. Once developed, the trust of and for others requires careful attention and maintenance. In this course, you will learn the process of developing and maintaining high- and long-lasting levels of trust in your team. [1-105]

in a Team Environment

Teamwork is an essential competency in today’s business world. It is an important ingredient in successful organizations and in successful leaders. Effective teams doesn’t just happen—you will need to develop strategies to build effective teams. This seminar will teach you why teams are important, how to build a team and a team culture, how to shepherd a team through the development stages, and what the role you play in leading your team. [1-201]

First and Always

Leaders serve first (and always)! Leaders intentionally build a following by serving the people around them. The command-control philosophy of leadership is finally dead! This course will help you discover the meaning of service, how to serve others first, and how, by serving others, you become a genuine leader. [1-103]


Change is a fact of life. To be successful in today’s constantly changing world, you should understand what change is and how people tend to respond to it. In this seminar, you will learn to view change positively and to respond accordingly by developing strategies and tools to embrace change, and thereby become more successful in times of great change[1-111]

Leadership Skills
for Everyday Life

You should learn to recognize the importance of leadership skills in all areas of your life. Leadership, of course, is not about a position or level of authority, but leadership is about a process and about creating shared goals. This course teaches basic leadership skills that we should all possess act upon so that we are all able to thrive in this life. [1-104]