2024 Training Course Catalog

Advancing Your Success™


Leadership is not, of course, about a position. It is a set of highly developed skills which need constant nourishment and care. It is completely necessary to equip leaders with a robust ability to transform organizations and to enhance the organization’s innate value.


More and more organizations today are focusing on project management processes, tools, and techniques to get their work done. Pressure is being applied on all sides to operate more effectively and more efficiently. A project manger’s skills and abilities are crucial to the success of the business.

Personal development is an ongoing, lifelong process. It is the act of assessing your life goals and values, as well as your knowledge, skills, and abilities. It is also the intentional act of building up your knowledge, skills, and qualities to reach your potential. Personal development contributes to maturity, personal satisfaction, and, ultimately, success in your life.


It all begins with an idea. We must, however, build a foundation of essential entrepreneurial skills to turn that idea into a new business, or to expand your current business operations, or to increase your business’ profitability. Entrepreneurs are not just idea people, they are people of action!


Today’s organizations must be more nimble and agile than ever. It is important to develop and build your organization’s capacity for change. We must also focus on strategies, structures, and processes that create greater overall effectiveness for the organization.


Communication is the ability of an organization to effectively share information with people internally and externally to reach its goals. We must practice both the art and science behind effective communication strategies and tactics to reach our business goals.

Public speaking is very intimidating for most people. You can tap into tools and techniques that are designed specifically to help you shine where others falter. Sharpen your skills with these public speaking courses.


Research shows the number one reason why employees leave their job is that they quit their manager. Managers and supervisors, therefore, play a critical role in your organization's success. The ability to connect to people and inspire them to reach their motivation is vital to the success as a manager.


Find a need and fill it. Marketing is much deeper than advertising and promotion; it goes to the heart of the “why” for your business. Marketing is building your business around the customer's needs rather than your product. Sales functions, then, revolve around helping your customer realize and understand their need.


Customer-centric business processes and workflows are the backbone of delivering value(able) products and services to the marketplace. The ability to understand, develop, and manage organizational assets will enable you to streamline processes and to automate workflows to deliver more value.

Better management of your personal finances will yield dividends for you and your family. These courses will help you save money, reduce your debt, make better financial decisions, and plan for your future.

Our software and app training programs are tailored to suit your needs. Whether you want to learn the basics of the software or deepen your app knowledge, we have the right facilitators and training programs.


As a business leader, owner, or manager, you need to be able to understand your organization’s financial position. These courses will help you learn how to plan and manage your revenues, expenditures, cash flow, and other essential financial functions of your business.